
4 min readJul 23, 2020

Our purpose in life (well one of the many) is to continuously grow. We are supposed to always be learning, always be receptive to new things- new ideas and even new thoughts.

If you ‘know me know me’ (LOL)… you should know my mind is always going nonstop. I am always thinking about what my next move is (especially once I have accomplished or achieved a goal). In my opinion this is how a person should be (maybe I am wrong but hey this is how I am in real life guys). I have never been a complacent type of person and honestly, I do not believe I surround myself with complacent people either. In my opinion the people you surround yourself with on the regular says a lot about you as an individual without you even having to utter a word.

Sooo what happens when you are in a relationship or even just dealing with someone and they are the opposite of you. You are not the complacent type at all & you are plotting your next move… but your person is comfortable with where they are at in life. Your person isn’t even talking about planning on making any moves and they are perfectly okay with that (keep in mind everyone is different). They are not looking to learn anything new… not even a new thought.

Can you be with someone who isn’t as motivated as you or even motivated at all to make a life changing move? This can be a career change, a business venture, buying a home, upgrading from living in mommies spare bedroom to their own spot- (no but seriously — why are you even okay with that unless it is to solely save coins!)…etc. You get what I am saying here. My thinking is; if you cannot make plans to better yourself… how can I trust you to make plans that can benefit us together?

My fear here is…. What if my person ends up stunting my growth?

Again everyone is different…. but the way I see it is… I need MY PERSON to be my PARTNER FOR LIFE!

I would love for my person in life to be my coach, my motivation, my advisor, my business partner, financial advisor and provide all around support through the good and the bad (as well as my “Homie, Lover, Friend- which I am pretty sure I have mentioned in previous posts). I of course would want to be the same for him and more! I am a smart woman and obviously a whole adult and can provide for myself- which I do.

So, with that all being taken care of already as far as me holding myself down on the regular…. Let me ask you…What are you bringing to the table? No, I do not need your money; BUT can you offer insight on how to better manage mines and offer ideas on how to get more money- whether together or separate? I maintain a roof over my own head already- but can you help me plan a way to monopolize and invest in potential real estate, businesses, etc. These are just examples, but the point is- I cannot be with someone who isn’t willing to grow even in the slightest way and let alone not even talk about it.

How can you help me grow if you are not growing yourself? I want to be able to learn from my person- but if you do not have any qualities for me to learn from or look up to… this relationship, friendship or situation isn’t going to be fulfilling for me.

You have to be willing to GROW ALONE to be able to GROW TOGETHER. Just as much as I want to be there for my person, I need them to be there for me as well. Now don’t get it twisted… I do not know everything nor do I have it altogether (I am a hot ass mess a lot of the time) so I absolutely do not expect my person to have all of their shit together from jump. But the point is I expect my person to be open & willing to grow alone and with me as well. We can learn a lot from each other, and we should be willing to and that is just on PERIOD!

I need to be able to learn from my person. FEED MY MIND and I can feed yours.

At the end of the day its……Grow or Get Left💚

