3 min readAug 27, 2020



Everyone needs a friend in their corner; someone reliable, someone to relate to, someone to talk life with, get into shenanigans with LOL, etc. The thing is good friends are hard to come by. Someone hit me up and made a comment about my friends. Seeing as how I had a party for my birthday my friends were right there celebrating with me. This person messaged me and made a comment something along the lines of “Wow, your friends celebrated your birthday with you like that- they went all out. I need friends like that.” Here I go responding like “Yeah, my friends are the shit and they are not for sale… they ain’t going nowhere!”

My sister has been my best friend since the beginning of time and my girls and I have been doing life together for over 15 years now (i.e. SASS); not to mention the friends in my life who have been around for a few years but have since then turned into my family. I have cousins who are more like my brothers and sisters and it just does not get any better than that.

Moral of the story is when you find good people, you hold onto them.

People change friends so much these days and wonder why they have to constantly question the level of loyalty in their circle. Some of y ’all treat the people in your life like disposable objects. One little thing goes wrong, and you are cutting them loose and onto the next warm body to fill the void in your circle. I think people forget friendships are actual relationships and require work just like any other relationship out here. Friendships require patience, communication, understanding and forgiveness!

Listen to me… Everybody is not Your Friend!!!!!!! The sooner you realize that the sooner you will begin to cut people loose and have less drama and more peace. Cut the people out of your life who claim to be there for you but are only there when things are pretty and fun, yet they are nowhere to be found when shit gets rough. Chileeeee that is not your friend…. That is a dick rider! I want my friends and I to be there for each other through the good bad and ugly.

My friends keep it real (please do not have people in your circle who sugar coat shit). Tell me when I fuck up, tell me when I am wrong or right, my friends need to be my mirror and keep shit straight and I will do the same. If your friend is not telling you that top is not flattering on your body and lets you walk out the house looking all dumb…. SIS that is not your friend!!!! A real friend would of been like “Sis… now you know that top is too tight; You’re more than beautiful but I can’t let you be out here looking all crazy” or something like that.

No shade, no games just straight up real rap and with love.

Surround yourself with people that you can depend on and people you can trust. Surround yourself with people who radiate love and positivity but will still cuss someone out for fucking with you the wrong way.

Surround yourself with genuine real people and nothing less. 💚

